Looking For Registered Massage Therapy (RMT) In Scarborough?

Scarborough registered massage therapists, Ken Zhou and Zigiy Yang have helped many patients relieve their pain, reduce their stress and tension, and return to doing the things in life that give them joy.

What Is Registered Massage Therapy (RMT)?

Registered Massage Therapy is a regulated healthcare profession that assesses and treats physical dysfunctions of the body through the soft tissues and joints.

RMT helps your body to work and move at it’s best so that you can achieve your health and wellness goals. It can address a variety of concerns, including stress, muscle tension, headaches, sports injuries, chronic pain, and more.

With the right registered massage therapy care it can promote relaxation, relieve pain, improve circulation, and enhance overall well-being.

What Are The Benefits Of Massage Therapy?


Successful Pain Relief

Relieve back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, headaches, migraines, sprains, strains, sports injuries, stress-related pain, etc.

Reduced Adhesions

Release fibrous connective tissue, scar tissue, tight fascia, post-surgical fibrosis, contractures, etc.

Promote Proper Circulation

Improve inflammation, swelling, chronic pain, tendinopathies, muscle repair, bone healing, brain to body connection, etc.

Restoring Imbalance

Reverse slouching posture, leaning posture, pelvic rotations, text neck, upper and lower cross syndrome, foot over-pronation, etc.

Better Mobility

Calm neck stiffness, tense back, hamstring tightness, muscle tension, joint restriction, compressed nerve, fascial adhesions, etc.

Remove Muscle Tension

Relax muscle knots, muscle spasms, cramping, overuse strains, postural strains, etc.

Improved Mood

Feel happier, healthier, relaxed, calmer, mellow, levelheaded, peaceful, etc.

Stress Management

Reduce depression, anxiety, stress, seasonal affective disorder, busy mind, worry, anger, sadness, etc.

Improved Sleep

Ease pain at night, stress, anxiety, tension, insomnia, narcolepsy, restless leg syndrome, etc.

Enhanced Performance

Upgrade your strength, flexibility, endurance, balance, agility, speed, power, coordination, reaction time, etc.

Overall Relaxation

Unwind from work, life, duties, responsibilities, obligations, commitments, etc.

Who Should See A Massage Therapist?

Anyone can benefit from a massage!

Sometimes you need to give yourself time for rest and relaxation to get your life back on track.

When your body is put under a lot of stress over a long period of time, you may not even realize how inefficient you are doing things.

Let our massage therapists at Evomotion Health and Wellness find and relieve your areas of stress and tension so that your body can work at it’s best.

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Does Massage Therapy Hurt?

A little discomfort is normal, however you should not be in excruciating pain.

There are several factors that may cause you to feel pain or discomfort during a massage:

  • The massage technique used
  • The pressure applied by the therapist
  • Your general sensitivity and pain threshold
  • Your medical history and accidents history


Clear communication with your massage therapist is key to ensuring a comfortable and effective session.

Before your massage discuss your goals, preferences, and any areas of concern or sensitivity.

During your massage feel free to provide feedback regarding pressure, discomfort, or areas that need more or less attention.

Our skilled RMTs will listen to your feedback and make adjustments accordingly to ensure a wonderful experience.

It Is Time To Prioritize Your Health!

Book your first massage visit at Evomotion Health and Wellness now!

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